Litmanen's Lionheart

trust the pro diss

the fuck is a tekker?

The Swedish team are arguably better without Zlatan.

You nailed it. We need to focus on the root causes instead of the things that are important to the extreme left and right.

Should watch the movie “City of God” that follow these kids growing up in Brazil. Public policy that sounds good completely fails. Brazil never fixed the root cause for crime. They did a band-aid policy with gun disarmament in 2004. Now is 2017, and we have this.

Am I the only one who reads Billy’s articles and thinks they read like a high school kid who was 500 words short on a 1000 word essay? Commas and run on sentences are cool sometimes, but Not. Every. Fucking. Sentence. It’s already hard enough reading the word, “suck” 10 times in article by a “professional” writer,

I revel the pain and misery of Italian national team fans. I would bathe in their tears if it was possible.

Greasy Meatball 1 - Greasy Meatball 0

Volvo 1, Ferrari 0

This World Cup is going to be bizarre, between the weird time zone differences and the teams involved. Thankfully I’ve been a lifelong Iceland fan since last year, so I’m set for rooting interests.

I actually think this, and a large part of it is that I agree with Pulisic and you that we’re lacking in a system that encourages athletes to stick with the sport through the years. Part of that is because football takes a huge cut of the total dollars we have for school sports, so every other sport is half-funded.

As long as Jonny Evans & Nigel de Jong stay away from him, he should be fine. RIP Stu Holden.

I know I’m not arguing with you, but there are people who actually think this. The NFL? Also basketball, baseball, and hockey (laugh, but this is a much bigger sport in the northern US than soccer, as is baseball in the south).

The Punchback of Notre Dame

Those Irish dudes looked bigger as the fight went on. Jesus Jones looking Miami fan got felled like a tree on Axe Men. Props to getting right back up even though he punches like a cat playing with yarn.

The guy with the orange shirt does not remotely understand how to throw a punch.

I love how Orange Shirt fell like he was taking a charge.

Orange Shirt couldn’t break wind after a chili cook off.

I gotta say, this was a nice little fight. The only guy that jumps in who wasn’t initially involved (green shirt holding cup) gets popped and put in his place. The only guy throwing a running cheap shot (orange shirt, long hair) gets sent to Jesus, and it would appear everyone else received an equal amount of blows