Seems like a good way to let people know that you’d like to be punched in face.
Seems like a good way to let people know that you’d like to be punched in face.
did anyone else get the feeling that all the sex scenes were written and shot by someone who only knew about human sex via soap operas and porn?
you know how to tell if someone is an asshole? they say ‘woke’ without a smidge of irony.
Well, it can’t be any worse than the gawd awful first season, so there’s that I suppose.
If only meat weren’t so delicious! I’ll never be a vegan, but I’m all about that lab grown meaty goodness, just need to get the price down a bit. I’m not quite flush enough to cough up $300 for a burger.
If this is half as good as the trailer, my boner is entirely justified.
wtf, i thought killjoys got cancelled?
As a veteran, I can’t tell you how much this pisses me off. One of the reasons I volunteered to get shot at was so that people could have the freedom to respect or disrespect the flag as see fit, and say whatever the fuck they want without the fear of violence or government censorship.
haters gonna hate.
lovely. with thoughtful editorials like this, we may as just settle on the earth being flat because it’s way too scary to cross the ocean and find out otherwise.
Yippee! Another internet thing to be fake outraged about!
Does it have to be a reboot? Why not a sequel? Most reboots suck ass.
Uhm, Advent Children wasn’t a major release? And also awesome?
What an odd trailer. Usually you can say whether it was good or not, but this one defies judgement; it was simultaneously wonderful, boring, awful, and amazing. I have no idea what to think about this movie.
Man, I hope this happens! I’ve played very few video games in my life, but I have great memories of working through this one with my older brother as a kid, and then when Riven came out it was my first case sequel joy. Even read some of the books, don’t remember much about them though, but the universe has soooo many…
Somehow I doubt he’d have the same sentiment for Jackson if his brand of bigotry was racism and not homophobia.
Just goes to show that you can’t please everyone all of the time, because some people are self-absorbed cunts.
Is this a game of “name that logical fallacy”? Because you’ve committed at least two.
If the show is 10% as awful as the books, then this will be the worst thing since the ridiculous Shanara series.