
They “keep getting away with it” because ideologues like gizmodo keep reporting on anything related to the oppression olympics without bothering to fact check or consider context. Sorry you missed your chance to drag another person through the mud. When people say the left is eating itself, this is what they’re

Excellent reporting, I’m sure no one will notice that the “interview” is hoax.

Geez, no wonder there hasn’t been trailer for this before now, it looks terrible.

I’m in.

This story is so getting.

I wish they’d just make it small film and call it “Eddie and Venom’s Rad Adventures through the Midwest”.

Can we finally stop fawning over Black Panther? It was the third best Marvel movie of the year! If it had won, we’d be looking back on it in five years the same way we look back on Crash and ask ourselves WTF were we thinking?

Somebody’s in need of little vigilante justice. 

The reaction to this is completely disproportionate to the action. She’s 17, not 7. At worst, it’s a little weird. It’s only a story because the internet needs something to be outraged about every 5 minutes.  

This dude has been raping teenagers for 20 years, wtf. I got sooo much shit when I was at FAMU in 2000 for trying to get people to boycott this perv, so many stupid justifications (mostly from women), the most common being “Well, I would have fucked him too!” None of the males really cared one way or the other.

Meh, don’t care, I’m just enjoying how much this thing is getting everyone’s panties all bunched up.

Can’t wait! Hopefully it’s better than the last Perfect Circle album, that thing was hot garbage.

Castration seems an appropriate punishment.

“Oil refining was invented in central Europe during the 1850s. And while it helped give birth to the world we know today, it’s obviously up for debate whether that was a good thing.”

Jon Jones is such a douche. Too bad he’s also the best fighter on the planet. I’ll steal this fight on the internet instead of paying for it to show my disapproval.

Rednecks are the worst.

Has anyone else heard anything about the Anthony Mackie movie Io ?  This is the first I’ve ever heard of it and I can’t find a trailer anywhere.

I have a Horror boner for this.

Ah yes, another classic instance of telling a black man he isn’t “really” black because he doesn’t tow the imaginary line of how black men are supposed to be.

This is so dumb, and yet another action forced on us by the scientifically illiterate. I absolutely refuse to buy anything with that ridiculous “non-gmo” label.