“old save files serve as a sort of memorial for the amount of time we spend playing the game.”
“old save files serve as a sort of memorial for the amount of time we spend playing the game.”
“Quick, write me a thousand-word thinkpiece about the relationship between Trump and Pokémon Go.”
“I’m sure she’ll be [cool with going postal].”
Fake news is both easy to make AND spot:
I originally read the headline as “What is the worst Kraft food?”
“Most tap water outside the state of Michigan is safe to drink...”
I am looking forward to Donald being our first orange President. The campaign was rough on his complexion but that can be easily remedied. His first actions as President can involve relocating his personal tanning bed into the White House and finding a few cans of the fake spray tan stuff to restore his original…
You know what? The media is mostly to blame for the entire election. You found the most vile people and paraded them around and bent over backwards to write stories about them. Boring doesn’t equate to page views.
“what do you do with a game that is already a phenomenon?”
Oooh. Nice one.
Probably relevant:
If you buy an electric snow blower, you should know four things:
If you buy an electric snow blower, you should know four things:
“I am impatient and sometimes an idiot.”
Do you eat chocolate? If you answered “yes”, then you are *still* a slave owner. Worse, you don’t really know about it. And even worse, those slaves are children who were forcefully taken from their home countries and won’t ever see their families ever again.
That’s the wrong way to own a car. Never take out a car loan. Always pay in cash.
I’m a bit surprised Instant Pot didn’t use a little cannabis leaf for their logo.
I’m a bit surprised Instant Pot didn’t use a little cannabis leaf for their logo.