
My pop pop reads Dylan Dog. He brought back a bunch of digests last time he went back to Sicily.

This is some Seduction of the Innocent shit right here.

Weird adaptations of Moby Dick are the best. CGI Gregory Peck into that sucker cause I think it's about to be a classic.

Where the eff was Wesley Mother Effing Snipes!?!

I liked the movie better than the book and I really love the comics.

Those fiends... They pantsed him!

That Superman "S" shield is pretty cool. Dig the sixties, Asian font flair.

I think Max would be a more mainstream pop icon if he hadn't been right about so much.

I dig shaky cam. [ie-BSG]

Need this film stock and camera on my hipstamatic app.

@Snow leopard: That gallop on that buffalo puppet is freaky real.

I wish this was the live action show they keep talking about. The adventures of young Lando would be AMAZING.

I like the idea of introducing other "neighborhoods" in Gotham by way of shooting in another location like New Orleans.

White Buffalo looks just this side of awesome.

I am so going to this.

Holy Exposition, Ben Linus!

@roughneck117: I dunno if that's what's going on but it was in the same cases/display as the Thor helmets. So unless they're all replicas they are probably props.

@outuendo: Roxy goes out like a punk :)