Nobody says forgo or egregious in conversational English.
Your opinion is dumb because it forgoes context. Just saying “you deserve to get screwed to any degree if you buy anything early” is a form of corporate apologism that frankly isn’t very compelling or nuanced. There are degrees to these things, and this example is particularly egregious.
Where was the racism/white supremacist bs tho?
Early adoption of anything means you get the shit ground floor version, and everybody after you gets a better one. Don’t act surprised.
Also, before you cut/paste one single example.. Compare that to the 100+ asinine consoles/accessories that haven’t ever allowed said processor upgrades.
Do you honestly think this dude gave a shit about gun laws?
We should also outlaw cheeseburgers, those kill a lot more.
Have you never bought any electronics? They always get updated.
Send Crunchyroll logins lol! I wanna watch this!!
Also try keeping the bottom row of icons empty... (not the dock row at the very bottom) I’ve been doing that for years to help cut the clutter.
Ah, fashion over function... one of those folks
Having things nested in folders is just an added step to opening the app you need. Hardly as “simplistic as possible”
I watched the video again looking for said Jaguar -_-