Professor Infinite Scroll Troll, Master of the Blogosphere.

For starters, we are commenting about THIS article right? The one about MAKING ANIME IN JAPAN? I don’t need to reference it in my comment.

They can get away with it because of a stop and frisk law. (I dont agree with) it but its there.

Look up some laws before you speak. There are “Stop and Identify” statutes in many states, Florida is one. Glad I’m in California.

Read the first sentence of the article.

An ID card is different from a Driver’s License

Yup. I’ve resorted to the thumbs up, gets people rrreeeeaaaallll mad too.

Any salad with gobs of cilantro lime dressing.

Did your work computer already have solitaire?

And you know what fans and true artist love to see? Great artwork. Not half-assed shit. What do you think the underpaid artists that left behind a legacy of amazing work got from the deal? An amazing sense of pride and accomplishment, despite a lack of funding.

judging by you crude attempt at ‘comic art’ in your profile pic i bet your ‘rate’ isn’t very high.

Late 80s cars are rare?

Nah, all of us ‘car people’ still fight to keep out 20-30 something year old cars on the road. I still find Car Talk interesting.

I’m a freelance artist, if i were to calculate my hourly rate on some projects it would be well below minimum wage. But I do what I love, so I dont feel fucked over in the least bit.

Fucker needs all sorts of discipline, not just trigger.

If his finger was on the trigger guard, you’d be able to see it in this photo... Its definitely on the trigger!

Ship is sinking because of you.