
If I could make one suggestion, use Velcro ties instead of zip ties. God forbid you have to rewire that thing one day. You’re left with trying to stick a knife/scissor into something that has hardly any opening plus doing it at awkward angles. A pack of 50 is only like $7 on Amazon.

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Naw, finding anything and everything racist and getting offended by anything and everything is pretty moronic. All this is doing is giving conservatives ammo on why liberals can’t be trusted. I really cringe at the thought of another 4 years of Trump but unreasonable people like you are who are going to make it a

So this dumb meme is racist? I think the meme is dumb as hell but racist? Get a stick out of your ass dude, How is it Mocking Ugandans when there are plenty of Ugandans that enjoy the meme and joke about their own culture in a similar way. You’ve heard of the movie Who killed captain Alex right? Well their Ugandan

So what happens when the alt right adopts an Overwatch character and heavily uses it in their memes? Is the League going to ban that character? Just because some racists use a character in their meme doesn’t mean that the character is racist.

God, as someone who paid for PvE, the fact that BR is free is a bit of a punch in the dick. More so since the main progression problem with PvE is that it requires you to drop a potentially stupid amount of money to get the right equipment/materials to reasonably advance.

The Best Couch Co-Op Games

Couch co-op games tend to be more intimate than competitive multiplayer games; when it’s just you and a friend or

A screwdriver. Seriously, that’s it. Even after wasting the better part of a weekend troubleshooting (only for the problem to turn out to be a DOA part), I still highly recommend PC building to everyone. It’s been so fun and satisfying, and even just browsing the internet on my new machine feels a little bit different

There have been very few black people in Sweden until second half of last century. Few enough that they had to expect being stared at, not as a sign of racism but simply because people tend to stare at something they’ve never seen before.

Swedish. Hi.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

Have you been to Europe? I have and I can confirm that they are a hell of a lot more progressive than we are here in America. Honestly, I can buy it. I think maybe they didn’t see it as racist because it didn’t dawn on them. I could be wrong of course but I do know that they are more more future thinking and inclusive

trigger happy police, this would never happen in europe. Better trained officers

Schreier, no! Don’t buy a pre-built machine!

Get yourself a buddy who’s built a machine before (or do it yourself if you’re feeling brave), head over to Newegg or another parts wholesaler, and part out your desired rig.

You’ll save at least 40% (and likely more) off purchasing a pre-built machine, and you’ll have the

In his spare time, he’s been writing books. Almost all of them are about Deerirons, the place where he’s been living for hundreds of years. Here are a few of the titles:

Would have been better if that was Admiral ackbar’s sacrifice to make


Also this may stifle innovative small companies who want to play in the same market as the big companies, but can’t because they can’t afford to pay premiums to get the network traffic they need.