Wow. Umm good for you? Not many smarks get a chance to be whiny about the product and have everyone see it outside of lame wrestling news sites.
Wow. Umm good for you? Not many smarks get a chance to be whiny about the product and have everyone see it outside of lame wrestling news sites.
Your problem seems to be thinking it's us vs them when in reality we are in this together.
These other gangs and their imagery is not in here. Just Nazi shit.
Bs sports is trash anyway.
Eh. Jason has been playing plenty of switch games lately that he doesn’t like that the large majority of people playing them do. Don’t let him taint your view as it’s getting better reviews elsewhere from people who enjoy the type of game it is
Gamercat been back. They just don't post it here. It was on hiatus until may
Hammond... Hamster... Of course he is.
Being worked on dilligently.
So.... Nintendo won e3 again right?
I would be more inclined with this tbh rather than any religious connotation. Not saying I think its racist perse, but it sure as fuck does seem that way.
No, this is about whether or not a person should be held at their word that they were treated unfairly. In a perfect society where our word is bond and we all speak the truth,yes believe him totally.
No. He was asked to leave for refusing to wear his chain on the inside of his shirt. Don’t fuel a controversy that shouldn’t exist.
I always assumed the games spared you the boring unpertinent info on said logs (unless someone died making it of coursse.)
Thanks. I had a totally different nonsensical take on it that makes no sense in retrospect but involved a games creator releasing a game now and still working on finishing it way into the future.
I didn’t understand the first comic this week, a rarity. Can someone explain please?
Not sure how the cheesecake factory can apologize in person. In conservative America do corporations take sentient form? Like can I see and have McDonald’s itself show up in court to defend itself?
oh come on don’t you buy systems for unannounced features that fans believe are in it rather than what the system actually has?you sir lie!!!
Theyve never said there would be one. They cannot control fans or others and what they say. It seems like you’re trying to justify stealing with a flimsy excuses. Which is cool, I don’t care and would never stop your thieving., Just wanna point out that it is what it is. Enjoy your stolen games man
Well you couldn’t update an snes,n64,nes,Gameboy etc beyond purchasing a new one. It’s a feature, flimsy as fuck but a feature nonetheless.
Not at all. It’s to explicitly reassure the slower people or the people who don’t understand how the hardware and software works that it’ll still be usable.