
New pokemon Rockachu confirmed

Is this where I leave farosh’s scale?

Isn’t that biscuit fella one of the JonTron tuber defense squad?

Some have talent, most don’t. They have schtick. One note characters are fine, but when thoroughly exposed they lose value. It doesn’t take much to do a let’s play, creating and editing content does. Doesn’t mean they belong in front of the lense. It is what it is I suppose.

What can I say? I like to post for no reason at all, beyond echoing others sentiment.

Tbf jontron isnt interested in fact, rather he’s more after anything that proves his misguided notion that he’s being discriminated against in some way shape or form. Dude is a hack, there’s a reason there’s little to no youtube-hollywood crossover.

Neckbeards never grow. Physically or mentally.

He does realize the difference between indentured servitude and slavery right? Because the whole “Irish were slaves”statement is a big one for white, neckbearded white nationalist scum.

But you’re speaking only of ethics in videogame journalism right?

It seems like different people find different games hard. No worries im kinda glad. Makes me feel like a better gamer because admittedly im not hardcore shooter MMO etc type. Somewhere between casual and hardcore. Nintendo fan? That works.

And now to wait for the inevitable slew of penis photoshops those bibs call out for.

Apparently spelling aladdin is though. ;) Go play Lion King.

Sadly I did but not much. When snes got Lion King and Aladdin i wasn’t gaming as much due to being a teenager and never being home

My friend and I adored darkwing so much we played it from the minute he got it until we beat it lol. Long night. We revisited that game many times though because it was so fun

Fucking battletoads man. If I used warps I could get to the tower at the end but I always had no lives and no continues so it never pasted long

I will give you it took me a while on mousecapade. I don’t remember why, probably because I was always fucking up and losing Minnie. That one took many many days. The ones listed up top tho didn’t surprisingly

Which mega man was really hard? I was able to beat 2-6 as a kid. Never played one beyond beating cut and gutsman. Not saying those games werent difficult (MegaMan) but they definitely took longer for me to beat than any Disney game I played.

Haha no, my parents had a rule that you had to beat old games before you got new. So I went through shitty games like zombie nation ghoul school, trolls of treasure island and many others. I found games that controlled terribly to be hard and of course the classic go-to Nintendo hard games ninja gaiden and

Im really not sure. I remember it being very easy. Never really got stuck. My parents used to have a rule that we couldn’t get new games if we didn’t beat old ones first, so maybe I “got gud”

Yeah. See, I had a Nintendo. These games are all from the nes. I’ve played maybe one Disney game on Sega tbf quack attack? Something like that.