Johnny Neill

I love when everything that people pt up on "the boards" gets shot down, like the idea that those woodsmen took BOB out of Evil Cooper. When I hear people talk about their "theories" I want to tell them they are watching it wrong! Stop trying to predict what is going to happen next, just figure out what has happened

I also liked how the Fusco Detectives just stood and stared at Bushmill when he tried to get them to admit there must be a connection between Dougie's car blowing up and the attempted murder, and then when he left the room they all started talking. That was a good fake out; they are being David Lynch Weird, NOPE!

I loved that scene. I loved that Diane finally broke and smiled at Gordon, they had a little moment about smoking. Tammy was the odd one out, all of a sudden. To me, it said a lot about dynamics, and like the reviewer said, there are a lot of trios in this episode, all of them seeming to work perfectly together.

I really MUST recommend Deathrace 2050 to anyone who hasn't seen it.

It was approximately 500,000 times better than "Brian Cranston''s Godzilla" and if this is going to be the direction they are taking Godzilla, entering that Kong Skull Island post Viet Nam universe, I hope they ignore "Brian Cranston's Godzilla" completely.

And it was in an episode of Mad Men. But that may have been about dog food. I remember Dan Draper saying, "I've eaten it," and it was implied that everyone thought he meant during the war.

Wasn't there a wave in the 70's of trying to get America on the Let's Eat That Horsemeat! wagon? I remember there was an episode of All In The Family where Mike "Horesemeathead" Stivic brought horse meat home and Edith cooked it, but he kept it secret. And someone, maybe John Byner, had a skit about a guy buying a

That's hysterical! God is a farce!

I think all of this is a little bit Jimmy Good - Chuck Evil kind of simplification. Jimmy is a con man and swindler and liar, and everything Chuck ever said about him was accurate. Jimmy did shit through a sunroof, he did forge documents, he did drive a wedge between all these old ladies. I'm not saying Jimmy is

And Mister Wrench has resources.

Yah, I couldn't see why Mister Wrench wouldn't have killed the henchman with the rifle when he had him in the room, but oh well.

I blame his teeth.

On the backs of the proletariat. Fucking Batman.

John Polito drives a bug in Big Lebowski, and there is one is Blood Simple.

Susan George was a vision.

And the sound! Ugh! So many movies have this "naturalistic" street noise din drowning out the dialogue. The storytelling styles threw me off a lot as well, like Friends of Eddie Coyle (a great movie) used to play on weekend afternoons, cut up by commercials, and I always thought I had never seen the whole movie,

I thought it was Warren Oates being Sam Peckinpah… My favorite thing about the movie, i love the whole movie, but, that opening scene makes you think you are watching a traditional western, and then the gates open and all the headhunters come out on motorcycles and pickup trucks. I also love Warren Oates long talks

And not all black and white crime movies are "noir."

I always wish I liked MST3K more than I do, but, the jokes just don't land as often as they just interrupt. I like the idea of it, but, just not really a fan.

It's an exquisite corpse of life's sad journey.