Johnny Paycheck

Yeah, Bran was creepy in that scene, and I don't know if it's the actor's limitations, or even if it was intentional or not. Sansa was clearly shook up from it. Girl can't catch a break!

So all humans have feet? Check your two feet, and your privilege sir!
(Since it's hard to tell on the internet these days, I'll tell you straight out I'm joking)

Everything is something people are complaining about.

It's not really news, so much as it's suppose to inspire us to all cheer and say what a wonderful idea this is, instead of what it really is - meaningless and profoundly missing the point of inclusion.

Why don't they just go with the Greendale Human Being?

You forgot necessary.

I know a lot of Twin Peaks fans will probably snap at you for that, so I won't do it. Did you watch the original show and the movie, because this show in no way attempts to acclimate people to the world, outside of some exposition (Hawk giving Frank the Laura Palmer recap for example)?

I immediately thought it was Dark Coop but I'm very unclear of the time lines right now. I fully admit it.

I agree. Audrey, Albert, the Mitchum brothers, many characters comment on the glacial pace so Lynch is clearly aware of it.
I will say, of all the new episodes, this one was hard for me to get a handle on. I usually watch them 3 to 5 times so a rewatch is in order.

I know, I see a lot of callbacks, and hints, even with stupid things like Andy and Lucy's chair fight. It'll be interesting when this is done to see what was superfluous.
I remember after they resolved Laura's murder, you really saw that Laura's story was just a jumping off point for all the side stories of people in

Also, I think Jacoby's plot is integral and not what some are calling an amusing diversion. For one, he's Dr. AMP (electricity). He paints shovels gold (like the golden ball that Laura inhabits). And the fact his red and blue glasses, when put together make purple, the color of where ?????? comes from.

Maybe. I still don't trust her for some reason.

I love that Wendy's seems OK with shows using their name for stuff like this and It's Always Sunny where Frank and Artemis enjoy banging in their bathrooms and behind dumpsters.

Couple of thoughts:

Or maybe him just up and quitting a job is a reflex now.

As the Variety story puts it, some people saw this as “an expression of disrespect for an African-American actor in favor of a white actor.”
But can anyone says that it was? Because otherwise, this is more nonsense where everyone says, "I'm not saying it's racist, but the optics are bad," which means, 'It just looks

"Bad optics" is one of the worst fucking term in a sea of terms that have seemingly cropped up in the last 5 to 10 years.

We're still saying "bad optics"? That term is really confusing to me. Basically, it's not racism, it's not about diversity, it was getting a bigger name actor in there, and then, much like everything else, got pulled into the web's trap of having a problem with it. Now, Patinkin's drops out and gets kudos all around.

I see we're back to non stop Trump news that has been reported already days ago. Well, it was a nice few days here…

One one is the second loneliest number.