
It’s definitely Jared Leto, nobody has Jared leto posture, like Jared Leto

Why don’t you just 3D print it you stupid science bitch?

Welcome! to our Artisinal Cylindrical sandwich shop! Come in, yes that vampire weekend playing! We make our Cylindrical sandwiches the old fashioned way! No fussy mass production, our ingredients are local grown certified organic. try the Kale rib-eye cylinder. if you’re not a fan of meat try our vegan meal. Can’t

I dont think many people find sandler funny anymore

Trump runs business good, so he can probably run country good.

Yeah as we know the Chinese love to have foot space when riding in the back seats.

“.sad!” nice touch.

Why do you buy a beautiful shiny fast aesthetic car, and buff and wash it. A Buick Regal is more comfortable!

The car collection looks amazing,

Everythings meta now isnt it Elon?

Mike Pence actually owns a Merkur xr4ti, but he doesnt know what it is.

Ok I get it we should be celebrating that a Woman has a beyond good chance of becoming a president for the first time in history....But Europe and Asia has had strong women in power for decades...So can we settle down on the patting ourselves on the back for just catching up now?

Unfortunately many Bernie supporters are not true progressives, mearly libertarians in sheeps clothing. When Bernie can’t give them their “freedoms” Trump’s the next best choice.

It will be interesting to see if it alters the trends’ or if rent’s just adjust over the next 2 years, then go back to the current trajectory.

I just realized, Kinja star’s and Pokemon go “favorite” stars are exactly the same

How are you supposed to swim while wearing a tweed blazer and keeping your cold brew from spilling?

Fuck it I love those rim. Ripped right off Alfa tho

I disagree. The florida stories we hear are usually from people in the panhandle. if anything northeasteners are making florida great again

I don’t doubt it. I do doubt that tesla will do it. Elon has a problem executing, especially without burning through cash.

coming to an earth near you.....In 2030