
Everyone knows how to use it, its the elimination of the mechanical feedback loop of “I feel the car move if I dont put this on” thats the change. Its up to companies to accommodate that because its clear customers dont want to deal with it. the germans engineered their way out of it..

I like how their fix was mail them an instruction letter. Thats whats wrong with Chrysler, they still think that the world runs on accountability, instead of the reality that if something can be fucked up, it will be fucked up. Design it out. They failed their DFMEA’s.

Im pleasantly supersized at how good 360 video is already. but I can imagine once the tech gets cheaper and lighter.

Red cars are best cars

Pretty much except they actually take care of it. its a lot more built up.

hnnnng I cannot wait.


How far away from street spec are bikes that race at isle of man?

instant boner

You forgot the g35, not my favorite but not the worst.

ughhh girls are such sex obsessed pigs

Alfa Romeo off to rough start

buuut I like when the better company wins. competitive engineering. including the entire supply chain and business management. can you get a better sport? it touches so many corners of talent.

someone also forgot to mention turning. The fact so many of anything comparing to f1 misses, is these cars change direction at a rate, that no other land going vehicle (without a set of tracks), can match.

I will not be fooled

Transcendentalist scum!

Oh absolutely, don’t get me wrong I’m an east coast fanboy to death. they were just two examples I could come up with.

I don’t understand how driving from cultural desolation to the land of bagels and indie music is considered bad.

So interesting figures. but more is needed I’d like to see the figures on ridership, and miles ridden. Id be willing to wager motorcycle deaths have not been significantly changed, or have in fact decreased.