
Because they missed expectations. the markets expected them to post higher revenue, which means they missed growth expectations, sure they surpassed their previous performance but they aren’t growing as quickly as expected. which mean demand in the stock is going to drop if people don’t see long term growth potential.

you have brought great shame among the family.


This is the most Jezebel title ever


this would be COTD if Gawker wasnt so PC!

Looks great in white. I know your secrets split tailgate

best part about the fiat it has a split tailgate so you can load your motorcycle

implying anyone uses a vehicle beyond the limits of uni-body design now-adays.

Now time to make enough money to buy a ferrari by trading highly leveraged ferrari positions

First order of business. replace that. then get some sweet dark floor mats.

so heres my question. who gets the anolog cars? do the rich get them because it costs more to maintain, more in insurance and more in fuel?

mmmm exposed battery covers for optimum heat sink efficency

Checker is supposed to be designing a new car

I like that chrome strip around the door opening a lot!

implying the 599 is not a glorious piece of art and classic ferrari lines... opinion discarded

I’m having a crisis.

Thats got a very dodge ram looking face

looks very cafe-ish. hope it gets a little more angular and sporty, while maintaining crisp lines.