Try this out. Costs $10. It's just like the Toddy, but plastic instead of glass.…
Try this out. Costs $10. It's just like the Toddy, but plastic instead of glass.…
Okay, so I was just trying this out with my tablet linked to my Windows 7 laptop... Seems like you have to drag the mouse pointer to click on anything from your Android device rather than just touching it on your tablet? Like if I wanted to press the start button, I have to press and hold on the screen, then drag the…
"Sponsored by OKCupid."
Mine was at a Wal*Mart in the summer of 2010, so pretty recent. I never had to report any actual fraud, so I can't speak to that personally.
When I was a cashier for a summer, I checked every credit card. If it wasn't signed, I made that person sign the card before I'd allow it.
What's up with all the vomit posts lately? Is there some kind of trend I don't know about?
"We"? Like, all of Kotaku?
Awesome, thank you so much for all your help!
Do you have a recommendation for an airline credit card that gets you the most bang for your buck? I''d like to explore that too.
Except that 69% of olive oil sold in stores is fake.
I believe it. This game is addicting. There have been many times where I found myself wandering around at 4 a.m. just so I could take out some enemy portals. I lost 6 pounds in a week from all the walking.
Thanks for the info. I have a generic Chinese "Nextbook" tablet, so I'm hoping to find stuff that'll just happen to work since there's not much specifically made for it. In much the same way I was able to get Cydia Impactor to "just happen to work" when other rooting methods failed.
Would this work on a tablet?
Trader Joe's brand Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk is the only almond milk I've ever tried and liked. The almond taste isn't so heavy compared to other brands.
This is really more of a "death hack."
That music is terrible.