
I go back and forth on feeling guilty about cheesing, but ultimately I do it if it’s available. You can do it in all their games, so clearly the options are intended to be there. It can feel bad, a little, sometimes, but if it’s in the game, I’m probably using it.

I'm hoping for a more efficient rune farm gets found.  One can only lure a stupid chicken to its death so many times before you run out of podcasts.  

I mean the Steam communities for most games are absolutely fucking shocking, because Valve leaves the moderation largely up to the game companies involved, who rarely bother much (hence some small indies have vastly better communities than larger games, because they do bother). So it wouldn’t be entirely surprising if

37?! In a row?!

Brendan Celluci: “It’s safe to say Red Sox fans have been shocked by the comments of a former player.”

i can’t believe ‘get in the fucking water or little debbie gets it again!’ didn’t make the stray observations list. out of that entire beach sequence (and possibly the episode) i laughed the most at that line.

I want to hear from the Doof Warrior! 

Remember when they made this movie with Albert Brooks and Brendan Fraser, only it was about baseball and it was called The Scout?

The people responsible for the makeup and styling on this should get a MacArthur genius grant.

Correction: When RDR2 becomes as profitable as GTA for Rockstar. They would absolutely do both, but I bet dollars to donuts they didn’t get the revenue that they wanted from RDO and just decided to pull the plug on new content.

You’re kinder than me. I want asshole rapists punished. Put ‘em in jail. If they’re scared that they might be raped, turnabout is fair play.

I would like to award you 100 orders of cocktail shrimp for your perfect deployment of this GIF.

Anything is possible, but the whole thing still sounds like Pompeo talking a whole lotta shit.

Came here to say the same thing. That movie is ridiculously underrated.

I love “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” more than most, so this has a steep uphill climb to claim “best Keira Knightley movie about the end of the world” for me.

Now playing

Corden gets cast in annoying parts - usually based around either being fat as a defining characteristic or loud and in your face. These are not things that we Brits do as well as Americans, frankly.

James Corden isn’t gay, he’s just British.

We’ve heard you loud and clear, Broadway fans... James Corden is out, and Chris Pratt is in!