
This is not me forgiving or condoning his bullshit but the article left out that he has a serious degenerative traumatic brain injury from a near fatal motorcycle accident in the late 80s.

It’s not racist to say Japanese sexual harassment /assault culture is fucked up.  It is.  The end.  Deal w it weeb 

El oh El weebs have to go somewhere else to buy their fuck cartoons depicting neat underage girls who are treated as pets and submissive to super cool awesome anime men.

Lea isn't the villain here. Beanie is. Without a doubt. Yes nepotism got her most of her roles and she's been good to great in them but being handed Fanny Brice on Broadway when you know you can't carry the songs (and maybe even the conflicted acting chops) but still doing it knowing it will adversely affect the

Oh no they realized that 6-8 hours being a cat crawling thru tunnels without anything else would be boring.

Lived in Salem MA for almost 6 yrs never saw or heard of that sandwich or had anyone ask me where to find it. I lived 2 min walk from the Ropes Mansion aka downtown Salem 

Netflix : were doing an animated pacific rim series

When burger King had those mediocre whopper melts id have them add the grilled onions from that burger onto my order and it was everything 

Afro surrealism season was.. Fine? I guess. But it wasn't funny or fun. Great lessons learned and twilight zone-esque takes on race in America but it just was so fuckin heavy after the last 4 yrs that I found it hard to be enjoyable. Finally seeing reviews, not just here, talk about how hilarious some of these

Can’t wait for the listing of fat broads or bitches with bad bone structure.

She’s rich and is working having mutli generational wealth, she’ll be fine. She can pay for therapy or at least all the vacations and distractions necessary to over come the awful trauma of being an actor who did tough scenes at a younger age.

Tell me you're too young to not remember court tv without telling me you're too young to remember court tv 

Chicago deep dish is a loaf of bread with a jar of ragu on it.

Seriously. I feel bad for developers during crunch but unlike say 99% of us being forced to work OT it's normally not in air conditioning with out lunches paid. It's usually work these hours while customers scream and assault you, the company leaves you on a limb and everything is your fault.  Crunch is awful but it's

How about the fact that we now have F Murray Abraham in the marvel universe?? 

Dude made a video where he beheaded his ex wife’s boyfriend.

Had one earlier this week I was shocked how small it was and yes the toasted bread was barely toasted. It tasted fine but the price and size is a rip off. 

Just spent 4 days trying to beat Renalla, did it today, I would cheesed her if possible. 

I was cautious because how difficult Sekiro was and how I only put in like 2 hours before I quit it,I absolutely love Elden Ring. I got it because of FOMO from twitch/social media and I’m already level 92 on my sorcerer and 35 on my samurai.

I almost had this exact same experience when I went to see John wick.