
This is a really bad and odd choice.

It sucks that I’m stuck at work and can’t hear Francesca try and prop up Eli because of his leadership and grit etc.. We get it sleepy, the mannings gave you stories and access and you in turn kiss their ass. Try it too make it too obvious today

5 hour + game that goes ten innings? The torre/Francona Era Yankees/Sox games laugh at this.

The most maddening thing about the giants season is having to listen to Francesca have audio ejaculations when still talking about Eli

“the injury luck the nats had “

This needs more love.

How to get immediately caught when selling stolen goods: sell them on eBay

Haven’t most AAA sports titles (madden/nba2k/fifa) been doing this for awhile but no one seemed to care. Now that it’s history titles you care about its a controversy. Most of these boxes are purely cosmetic whereas the sports titles have locked players behind loot packs for years without a peep. I don’t even play

I miss Leitch and circa 2008

*put on flame retardant suit *

All Fandoms are toxic at this point but some like Rick and Mortys are toxic and dumb as a bag of hammers “good guy” Bros.

Christ this review, like a missing fan fiction for ready player one. Was the game good or bad and should people buy it and why. Save the rest for your Tumblr.

It’s called working in retail..

Carton has always been insufferable. A misogynistic race baiting troll who’s not even good at what he does. His worst offense is constantly eating and talking while on air. It’s bad enough to have to hear strangers eat loudly but mic’d up on air? The worst.

I’m with you. Fandom is exhausting

If only I could find out if gay/queer millenials liked her.. If only there was a source of information about this..

Smurfing is a bullshit tactic that shouldn’t be allowed, let alone encouraged by other gamers. Trying to solo queue is hard enough in lower ranks but trying to do it when someone else on the other time team is legit diamond or higher is pretty much guaranteeing my team an auto loss. Blizzard needs to Crack down on

Perfect way to take attention from Katie perry’s awful swish swish song/video

This is some cold shit. There must be some toros on the atmosphere.