
Party On!

The company's owner, Brandon Arnold, says he'd asked the company's owner for years if he could do the work, and finally the owner said, "Can You Start Monday?"

It's not an auction, this is the asking price.

This is not an auction. The price listed is 'buy it now' and the only other option is to 'make an offer' so there's no way this will sell for more than $32k.

Typical BMW asshat parking job.

Bros, chill out!

Oh, Stevie is most definitely blind because there's no other explanation for this.

He tried music therapy, water therapy, acupuncture. He was assigned a horse he was responsible for feeding. He was encouraged to get in tune with it and to "be nice to it."

I thought the Renegade was cool when it came out but I just came back from a few weeks in Japan where I fell madly in love with the SUZUKI HUSTLER BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME! I now could not care less about the Renegade and it's stupid attempt to be half the car the Hustler is. It's like an Element made sweet gentle love

It must be a BMW.

If you care enough about efficiency/environment/saving money/polar bears to want a serial hybrid then why do you not care enough to be bothered to plug the car in?

Yup, and as someone who works in the automotive field I can tell you that there are a lot of vehicles (I don't work on passenger cars) running around testing next generation parts and/or systems that aren't full vehicle prototypes and aren't camo'd. But once you get to a full vehicle the risk is too big to send it

I call BS. I think one of their test techs got a little confused.

I see three rabbits in the old miata.

yup, that's about right.