
It is, weird swipe taken here.

“People get the wrong impression about me,’’ Bauer said. “They think I’m elitist or I’m conceited or whatever. But I’m a really good person. I take care of my friends and my family. I’m kindhearted.”


They are working on their own streaming service, and it is going to be huge. All ABC, ESPN, and Disney properties...

Should have linked Moyer’s, his is another good one to peruse.

Spolestra is super tight on his rotations, Dragic was their best offensive player and he only played 27 minutes, he was great in 3rd quarter until pulled with about 4-5 min left and didnt come back till about 8 left in 4th.. Combine that with the fact that he and Wade do not coexist on the court well and that leads

Agreed, the WB and IMF have been fucking over developing countries for decades.

How DARE you! I loved my caliber!

I have noticed a bunch of trolls in the comment sections here lately. This guy is a complete moron.

As a resident of Anchorage, I cant wait to go see Crowe’s codpiece!

Until election reform is possible, this is going to happen. House reps run every two years, its a cycle of non-stop fundraising. We need to get money out of politics, that is the only fix.

Oh, the tech is cool... It’s people who are the fucking worst.

Jesus Christ, just burn it all fucking down.

My favorite pastime is drinking beer... Yes, I prefer the “craft” beer, but that is because I like to support small, local businesses.. Other pastimes include, drinking mainstream beers...

Agree wholeheartedly..... I was very worried that this was going to pass... The sad part to me is that the voting doesn’t line up with the mayoral race at all :-/

Popmatter also does very good end of the year lists and does a decent breakdown of why the song is good, so you can find characteristics that might jump out to you.

Part of their issue is Alexis, dude can look great at times but he turns the ball over in the attacking half ALL THE FUCKING TIME! Unfortunately I am an Arsenal fan, and yes, he bailed us out on several occasions, but the costs became unbearable! He always showed up the teammates and his actual work rate was in the

This is a weird turn.. I used to come to Deadspin for snark and to read satire that sometimes included knee-jerk reactions... Now Deadspin is trafficking in knee-jerk reactions, that aren’t satire. I appreciate Haisley’s love of soccer, but calling Tottenham “great” is a bit of a stretch, they are a top tier EPL team,

Wait... They can start the meaty, french forehead of Giroud.. Fuck.. Wait... They can start Walcott... Fuck...