
Something about games like this, where you make a custom character who is at the center of a much larger cast of well known heroes, always makes me chuckle.

I think they don't actually know how to enjoy games anymore so the only metric they have for judging games is looking at technical details and getting mad when they aren't as good as the technical details for other games

what is it about the cute animal game made for babies that triggers such anger among adult nerds

Just for the sake of clarity:

The same discourse has not repeated itself, despite a complete lack of content warnings.

You misspelt “very predictable and not surprising at all”.

Ripping off someone to attempt to steal some of their thunder isn’t a troll, it’s just a rip off. 

Accidentally” is very generous of you. I think it's pretty intentional.

Any community that can be “irreparably damaged” by something like this has it coming. Anyone can still try to beat Burbank’s stage records, which now would have the thrill of breaking not just his record for the stage but destroying his 32/32 title.

I read a different article where he only hoarded his times because people were grouping up and actively trying to make this much harder on him.  

Good on you, Burbank. You did nothing to betray the community. You played it smart and held your cards until it was time. 

So he didn’t cheat or otherwise do anything scummy, he just....reported a bunch of times at once. I’m not part of this community, so maybe there’s longtime clear unwritten rules about this, but this just sounds like sour grapes to me. 

Quite the blue shell. The thing is, if everyone submits one record at a time, the previous record holder will just focus on that until they retake it and there will never be a unified champ. Now he has to hold it, which will be a lot harder if everyone focused on different maps.

The whole point of Nintendo multiplayer games, specially Mario Kart, IS the constant ruthless betrayal of love and friendship

Well, that was certainly a wild ride.  

Its still stupid, but presumably they get less accurate location data mined from you when you don’t have to go as close to the POIs. 

Going to be honest I’m still not entirely sure what Roblox is because I’m an old. 

That does not make Nintendo look better.

That’s a good way to end up in jail if you happen to live in Japan...