
30 and 60 is massive. You’re nuts. Now 60 and up is much less of a difference but if you genuinely cant see the gap between 30 and 60 I have to call BS.

Yikes, that localization is horrendous. I doubt it was censorship as fire emblem games regularly feature and discuss death. This is likely a localizer thinking they’re funnier or wittier than they are.

Regarding them movie away from smaller titles. Smaller titles didn’t really work out for them. Just subscribe to PS Now for a month or free trial and you’ll see a ton of PlayStation studios indie games you’ve never heard of and when you play them aren't really particularly good 

Worth pointing out that Mei is not white and you can change Shephards race and there are black and asian facial presets. Now obviously Shephards default face and voice actor are white so its technically a white character but its worth mentioning.

They aren’t allowed to in Canada. You have to ask them or they need to ask you.

Wait, am I reading this right...their Twitch channels were suspended? Why? I understand their cod accounts being suspended but why does twitch care whether players are using hacks? And to clarify I play multiplayer games extremely casually on console before anyone accuses me of being a cheater. I’ve never cheated,

What does it say about you that you think this guy was black when no mention of race was made either by me or even the author of this article? The criminal was white.

Imagine taking shots at a UK police officer for catching an escaped prisoner convicted of firearms offenses (100% illegal in the UK). What is the point of that final paragraph

I don’t see how this makes them a “mistake”. It makes them great machines. If you use rest mode properly (which contrary to popular belief uses very little energy), you’re not getting a significantly worse experience on last gen pro consoles as you are on current gen consoles.

You can get fired for being "toxic", now? Shit fire half the people I've ever worked with then.

Are they actually mad, or are they pretending to be mad to keep up the parasocial relationship with their subs?

I dont have any knowledge of serious fighting games but that fight looks genuinely exciting, dont know why the commentators were so triggered.

Im pretty sure what you’re talking about applies to publicly traded companies. If you're privately owned you can do whatever you want as long as you own 51%

Bruh, how hard is it to just present the unbiased timeline without all these qualifiers about why pokimaine did nothing wrong and shouldn’t be apologizing? I don’t think she did but this article comes off as so insanely biased it’s crazy.

The comments were broken when this story went up but

Transitory lands theme sucks, secret of Mana theme also sucks.

Dont amazon and netflix not pay that cut? From what I understand its against Apple ToS to have the payment go through a browser to duck the 30% fee, which a lot of these big apps do anyways.

I like the new look, old one was horrible, had like 2 articles per page on my 22 inch monitor.

Theres a resolution bug, see Digital foundrys video. It downscales to 1080p then upscales again.

Man I had an HDMI port (notoriously shoddy on ps4s) repaired that didn’t take and is losing signal when the wire wiggles. Huge headache, the guy gave a free 90 day warranty but I seriously doubt hell make good on it.