Because if YOU’RE inheriting the money then YOU have not been taxed on it. Money does not pay tax, individuals do.
Because if YOU’RE inheriting the money then YOU have not been taxed on it. Money does not pay tax, individuals do.
Yeah... they actually do. You might want to look up the definition of “income.” When something of value transfers from one person to another, absent an exemption, that transfer is taxable. Did a descendent earn that money and were they already taxed on it? No? So... then they should pay tax on it.
No, Presidents are literally charged with enforcement, heading the military and foreign affairs. That’s pretty much their powers under Art. II.
You’ve basically summed up Keynesian economics. If you give those people who will spend money, they will increase demand which grows the economy.
Point of clarification, Obama (and every other president) enacted NOTHING. They are executives, charged with enforcement and only have the power of the veto.
My word, you really weren’t taught to even remotely analyze, were you?
You have the schooling rather backwards. JDs and MDs, while having class based learning, do substantial learning in the field. In fact, mostly, the last 2 years of medical school are clinical based learning. Most JDs do extensive internships as well as extensive writing.
In fact, they are doctorates. I hold a Juris Doctor, or in other words a Doctorate of Law. My wife holds an MD, in other words a Medical Doctorate. These are doctoral degrees that both (even in the US for lawyers) confer the designation “doctor” to the holder.
I don’t have to “feel”anything about degree levels. The Department of Education decides them, end of story. They make it quite clear, your JD and your wife’s MD aren’t even at the same or higher level as a master’s.
You sure about that? Because I’m fairly certain you can do a PhD in 4 years. I have 113 graduate hours, 24 of which are my LLM which is basically a post-doc.
Only in the minds of academics do PhDs outrank professional degrees.
Is the Law degree up there a Masters of Law (i.e., a Master’s Degree that doesn’t require a JD, similar to an MBA) or is it an LLM, which is actually a Masters of Law?
Are... you retarded? Planned parenthood doesn’t turn away men, but birth control isn’t really available unless you have a vagina. Do you, sir, have a vagina? Well, if you do, congrats, you qualify.
Fair enough. Though, I’d be willing to bet far more of their services are for women, or at least women are the primary beneficiaries of their services.
Well, it does deal with women’s health and it offers counseling and health services, both which is fairly synonymous with “healthcare.”
Bad decision? Are fucking dense? I’m an attorney married to a physician. When she’s an attending, our income will be over $400,000 per year, and that’s before we start buying investment properties. If that’s a bad decision, may everyone make as many bad decisions I have.
Yeah... sorry about that. I’d like to say he’s not a reflection of the average American, but honestly... I don’t know if I can say that truthfully.
I guess your education must have been wasted because you fail at basic reading comprehension. I said BETWEEN MY WIFE AND I INCLUDING UNDERGRAD LAW SCHOOL AND MED SCHOOL it’s been about $500,000. That’s roughly $250,000 for each of us. That covers, for me, 4 years of undergrad, 3 years of law school and 1 year of LLM.…
Probably a good plan.
The “White Collar Exemption” is the biggest loophole in the Fair Labor Standards Act which governs overtime at the federal level.