This one, too.
This one, too.
Someone called theIRML made CGI remakes of some battle scenes and several people, including me, synced those to the sound. I”m embedding those made by someone else, because they’re more complete than the early version that I originally used.
cannot unsee that now. thanks alot.
I like a more distinct Bat Signal, à la the Arkham games:
+1 This will never not be funny.
hehehehe... crushing the Bears...
I don’t know how to explain MST3K. It’s a show that is like family to me. I can watch every episode an almost unlimited number of times and still laugh. It gives me a warm feeling inside, like being under a blanket on a cold winter day with the wind howling outside. I can’t explain why it holds such a special place in…
Good luck to you Bentley. And thanks to the wonderful doctors that made this possible.
OK, time out. Uncanny valley as wikipedia expounds “is a hypothesis in the field of aesthetics which holds that when features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some observers.”
I know MST3K fans are hardcore, but this is a little out of hand.
Guys, let’s get super cereal here, please.
...first order of business.
“Or, as I like to call them, “twinsperiments”.
Get the fuck out.
You’re right. Apollo 8 was originally going to test the LM in low Earth orbit (a mission later performed by Apollo 9), but when the LM was delivered by Grumman it was found to have so many defects it couldn’t fly until at least 1969. And that would potentially push a landing into 1970.
An excellent and well reasoned decision by the commissioner. It feels nice to be able to say that for a change.
I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?
This is one of the biggest pet peeves I had when my wife and I were engaged. Seemingly every male I encountered, including our wedding vendors, would say some garbage quip along the lines of, “Don’t do it, buddy” or “Learn to just nod and say, ‘yes, dear.’” It would make me seethe. Just because you hate your wife…
That kid is on the fast-track to being an insufferable Ohio State fan in no time.