Same with Division 2.
Same with Division 2.
And this, folks, is what religion can do to some people. Just like heroin, it becomes an addiction very quickly. Unfortunately, the religious addicts (theoholics?) use their personal beliefs as an excuse for wanton violence towards those deemed “evil.”
What really chaps my ass about this caucus crap is the complete loss of anonymity. We vote on a secret ballot, but the caucus forces voters to show themselves and their choice of candidate. It only reinforces the tribal nature of our politics, and that pisses me off.
I’d like to make an addendum to your “chill the fuck out:”
Since Trump is the biggest copycat of them all (ex.: “Make America Great Again” was taken from Reagan, “Be Best” was taken from Michelle Obama, et al), here is a preview of our future with Trump:
I would also add that they’re controlled by the white conservative men when not raised by them.
Prediction: people will rightfully speak out on how insane and gross this reversal is. Trump will be annoyed the Fake News Media is treating him badly. He’ll make Melania start a new “campaign” for “healthier” school lunches.
Biden is the Democrat version of George W. He’s a moron without malice.
Oh nuh-uh, John. They want people like us dead. To a lot of them, we are “demons” and “Satan’s children” who want to “corrupt” others with our gayness. Ironic, coming from those trying to force their religion onto everyone else.
The thing about the CGI-filled OT is it’s not our stuff, so we don’t decide what the definitive version is. Lucas wanted that stuff added because there was more he wanted to show in his story, and he finally had the resources, money, and technology to do it.
The things you experienced growing up with video games are now being experienced in a different way. That’s how generational comparisons work. You will always find something that “was different when I was growing up.”
Dear Congressmembers,
He was also at work (which I wouldn’t compare with a Switch user bragging about their gaming mobility), and most of the article is about the game itself and interacting with others about it. Mentioning what’s going on outside while playing doesn’t really constitute a holier-than-thou article, like you’re implying -…
To be fair, he gets paid for blogging, not putting the console on a shelf. ;)
Here. You dropped this before commenting (emphasis mine):
Hahaha fair enough. I’m not hip on the Bernie scene. I never pay attention to them.