John Joel Glanton

A scowling orange man and a lizard in a human suit were screaming at each other on national television, I tells ya!

But but but you can’t be racist against white people! This is what my mandatory women’s studies class taught me.

I’m curious to know why these people want to talk about the sexuality of a child. Seems kinds of ... pedophile-y to me.

Defending yourself to people like that brings you down to their level, which you do not want to do.

Nice retort. Did you get dizzy stringing all those words together all by yourself?

Hillary is going to win in a landslide and she’s going to have four years to disappoint the everliving fuck out of everyone that’s vehemently defending her as some sort of savior of the people. You can only knot yourself up in so many shady back room deals before at least one of them catches up to you.

Apple is a company that got rich by being first to the smartphone market, and hasn’t really done much innovative since. Did anyone seriously think they were capable of building a car? They cant even get OD to work, much less an automobile.

Who knows, maybe your NELF is just better looking than my BELF because I haven’t gotten copper one from anyone on my perpetually hi-pop server.

Looks like the new 2025 Saturns are in early.

This must be a RP server thing. I’ve played a female BELF pally on US-Illidan for 5+ years and have literally never had anyone offer me anything for free.

How did the guy in the original story know that a woman playing that character? I’d venture that the *vast* majority of female toons in-game on WoW are played by the same guys rolling Orc warriors and Undead locks. Hell, back in LK my wife had a male resto Druid Tauren while I tanked for her with a female BELF Pally.

Everyone here is tearing apart the plot but nobody is addressing the dialogue? It sounds like some high school kid’s fanfic. I made it about two and a half episodes in before I threw in the towel.

Maybe NASA could make some “donations” to the Clinton Foundation and get its budget increased.

Then we threw all of that rebound money into wars on drugs and terror, respectively. A year less in Iraq would have gotten us a moon base to jump to Mars from.

If he was stoked about Mars he wouldn’t have ignored it until his last couple months in the White House.

Wait, are we allowed to like Apocalypto again or will I be pulled over by the PC police for enjoying a Mel “J00 Slayer” Gibson film?

Funny how iconic literary works are being represented by posters that are basically illegible.

A v8 ‘Stang is 500 bucks a month for 84 months. I don’t understand how ANY new cards get sold at all, not just Mustangs.

Sounds like excuses being made for a bad adaptation. But if that is the case it should be called something else.

Wasn’t that the actual story of Pocahontas?