
What about S.RES.344 voted on and passed in 1960 by Senate Democrats? Hats off to David Bernstein at the Washington Post. It basically states that the President should not make recess appointments to the Supreme Court, except to prevent or end a breakdown in the administration of the Court's business.

If you do not have a single pull shutoff valve, have one put in. Use it when you go out of town or whenever you aren’t washing. Keeps the pressure off the hoses and prevents the surprise burst hose. If you can swing it, there are shutoff valves that the washer plugs in to and will only open when the washer is on. Load

If you really want to do it up right, cook your bacon up first in the pan, dump out the luscious bacon grease and pour your externally scrambled eggs in the already hot bacon covered pan 0 luv. Need some Barry White here to finish it out.