
Guys, Kickstarter is a crowd sourcing site, not a web store. You are investing in an idea. Ideas change. They wanted to make a online game. Everyone pleaded for offline and so they tried. In the end the offline wouldn't have been satisfactory so instead of giving you crap, they pulled it and will focus on the

Removing the money from your PayPal account does very little. I did that and they took the money straight out of my bank account.

Yeah lesson learned, don't use USPS for international shipping. Don't get me started on the double dipping thing. It's insulting.

Yes and no. I could have done that and considered it heavily but I had someone with a second chance offer for just $5 less. We've all made mistakes before and if this guy was the only bidder I would have gone that route. My issue with the whole thing is I did what was best of eBay (if I had forced the guy he would

Once it left the US there was zero shipping information reported to me. I had found one one of eBays pages that the seller is only responsible for getting the package through US customs, but that conflicts with other literature they have.

I will never use eBay again. I sold my iPhone 5s in perfect condition when I switched to the One Plus One. The first purchaser backed out because he didn't realize the phone would not work with t-mobile, then proceeded to give me a negative review even though I let him out of the deal... The second person was from

I want the end as a screen saver. no music or words, just the video

Would scoop this up as DLC instantly. Would definitely go back to the game just for it.

Alternate story: Stars are stolen from the Kingdom and Toad and Toadette are tasked with finding and recovering the stolen stars for Mario/Peach/kingdom. Toadette risks her life for the mission at hand and Toad must balance completing his mission with saving his comrade (the kingdom is awfully commie at time).

I managed to beat the whole story without grinding or spending any money at all. I'm a gamer but I know I'm not great, decent and good enough come to mind, maybe slightly above average on a good day. That being said, not really sure how you got stuck halfway and now I'm curious. By the time I finished my assassin

I have a GTX 970 as well and am getting solid frame rates on ultra at 1080. when i stretch it out to 2560x1080 i drop it down to high which still looks fantastic. It seams to me this game runs way better on the new 970 and 980s than any other cards. It probably has to do with ubi designing the game around nVidia for

Running fine with a GTX 970. Get 30+ fps one ultra settings in crowds, 45-55 in less crowded areas. Medium settings give gives about a +15 bumb on those figures. Not perfect but completely playable for me with no hiccups what so ever.

absolutely fantastic

People who make generalizations are dumb, and Texans will always be better.