
Seems it’s a top seller just because of the coverage and controversy leading to the release, as everyone just had to see it for themselves. The game was rather dumb, and as I played it I was like “Why am I doing this again? This is pointless, and does shock for the sake of shock.” I’ve seen more convincing daytime

13 hours?! Man, I pity you. Go get a drink or something. You’ve more than earned it.

I always considered it the good ending. You bring about change and allow the world to move forward, as opposed to just delaying the inevitable. It’s the progressive ending, in a way.

Can you explain WTF is going on for those of us who haven’t been reading webcomics for 7 years?

“how about, instead of filming in a real spot and adding fake cars, we shoot real cars and add a fake background?”

yeah but also unlike secondary schooling, this was a one time event. It would happen and then life would go back to normal regardless of outcome.

COD 2, Modern Warfare, and Modern Wafare 2, are the only entries in the series that I’ve played through the single player campaigns more than once.

I played for the campaign, MW2 was the last campaign I enjoyed from Infinity Ward

Get banned, jerk. You’re a perpetuation of the CoD culture we all hate.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are the best entry's in this series and the only two worth playing.

So basically another “kill shit level up” adventure game... sigh...

Dude, I think you’re missing the spirit of the post. Taking home run balls away from adorable ladies with mitts isn’t really a forum for hot takez, replay truthing, and who-deserved-it-more rankings.

Over dramatic? They were laughing the whole time... didn’t seem like anybody was taking it very seriously.

Eh, it’s not the teabagging necessarily that makes me root for the streamer, it’s the arrogance. I hate arrogant gamers. Just enjoy the game, enjoy winning, there’s no reason to rub people’s noses in their defeat. Especially when you don’t demonstrate any significant skill in your victory (i.e. spamming the same combo

Title should read “Jason Aaron continues an excellent run”

If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.

I hate Amiibo’s

it’s gotta be intentional. By the time you get to the end of that list, you’re out of mojo. It’s slumped shoulders, expressed through grammar.

always down for some more drizzt

Ramirez! Prevent that pregnancy and protect against certain STDs!