
Speaking of potions. I think Witcher has the best "health potions" I have seen (I realize you can't use them in combat).

The grand prize of the award show as a pitcher of beer. I mean, holy shit, people. Get a grip.

The accusations of the GamerGate trolls, even if actually true, are almost laughably pedestrian "offenses" that do not even remotely warrant the amount of outrage that results. "Ooooh, nepotism and award-fixing at a small indie games festival! Some developer's game got a better score because she was fucking the guy

I've never understood how PC gamers have accepted these type of microtranactions. I mean for different painted guns, hats, skins, all over 25 dollars. I mean how do people not complain about these prices yet complain about Evolve.

you should probably just watch it

And here's what you're not understanding. Despite the extreme number of people who've beaten it, no one has gotten it. Not, one guy who's been farming it hasn't gotten it. No one. Your weapon? Probably dropped for someone during that time you tried to farm it. In this case, the drop...hasn't seemed to drop for

Convince your friends to play, whether they're from real life or the internet. The game isn't really worth sticking with unless you have buddies to play with you every week.

You should start up a proposal review site. You can carefully analyse loving couples' proposals and offer feedback on how they could do better next time.

He basically proposed in front of tens of thousands of people watching the stream at the time. I'd say that was pretty big.

Doing it during a huge charity stream of their favorite hobby surrounded by friends is a pretty damn good place to propose.

Well exactly, at the last bit. If they've got together doing speedruns, if it's something they love and enjoy as a couple and it's a very important thing to both of them (as their presence at -the- speedrunning event would indicate) then I say go for it.

The four dudes behind them. Their faces. I could watch them all day.

lol! Nobody enjoys a joke at their own expense. Stop being such a soggy blanket. If one thing is off limits everything becomes off limits.

I don't know, I think it's more conditioning on some levels. Some would likely be down to potential issues with anger, sure. But what he did has been done as a prank numerous times before, without "mental issues" being brought into it.

Where is that gif from?

This is what a post looks like when they only read the headline before posting. Take a screenshot everyone.

Saints Row has two sorts of fans: those that preferred it as a slightly offbeat GTA clone, and those that jumped on when it went off the rails, full-on insane, and unreservedly bizarre, cartoony, and delightful irreverent.

General Grievous wielded several lightsabers and wasn't force-sensitive to my knowledge. You just need to be a force user to construct a lightsaber, and there's that whole Jedi edict about "Your lightsaber is your life, never lose it, yadda yadda". Typically you can't get a lightsaber without first going over a Jedi

Thank you.