
Oh, absolutely! I'm in no way suggesting that the prison mental health system is adequate, merely that it doesn't function at all in the way that the show portrays it, particularly in minimum-security federal prisons.

For stalking alone, almost certainly not. On the other hand, the stalking is for her just a symptom of tremendous and persistent delusional thinking that frequently crosses into serious psychosis, accompanied by the manipulation of others into violence against the object of her delusional obsession. If the

I understand what their reasoning was, I just think their reasoning was the equivalent of the teenager who freaks out when their friend ODs, and doesn't take them to the hospital or tell their parents because they're afraid of getting in trouble.

Poussey initially thought Soso might be dead, and I thought it was Suzanne that was most concerned about the psych ward. I may be mistaken. Regardless, those are some fucked-up priorities. "Welp, she might die—I mean, what is kidney failure, anyway?—but at least she won't go to the psych ward."

Pennsatucky also came back from the psych ward, after Piper came clean about her role in the faith-healing shenanigans. But I know what you mean.

I'm Ron Burgundy?

I enjoyed the majority of this season. I have to say, though, after the emotionally devastating way that Pennsatucky's rape (and its aftermath) was depicted, I was pretty startled at the tone-deaf way that Soso's suicide attempt was handled. When Poussey was dicking around and not getting her medical attention, then

I think you're right. An attack of conscience, of a sort, leads him to report Cesar, not realizing that his own baby is caught in the net.

That's true. On the outside, you could not ask for a better scenario to get snitched on. Boss of a significant criminal enterprise finds out he's being stolen from by an underling, sets underling up to take the fall for a crime, underling snitches to cops and DA for immunity or reduced sentence in exchange for

Initially? Of course not. Once he starts cleaning up the mess, though, it's one more piece of leverage he can use against MCC to make the changes he wants.

Caputo's the warden now. He could easily ensure that the contraband charges went away and her release date remained unchanged, in exchange for information about a federal racket that involved a large percentage of the prison population and one of the new guards he's trying to get rid of.

Right. You think the cast did two dozen takes of throwing and retrieving a real turtle in an actual lake? Or even better, that maybe they had just like a whole wheelbarrow full of turtles to throw, so they didn't have to waste time retrieving any?

That actress was truly atrocious. Easily the worst I have seen on this entire show.

I was pretty sure that Leanne admitted to creating it in one of her scenes with Norma toward the end.

Definitely in the common areas, in pretty much any prison.

Is there any reason at all other than narrative convenience that Stella, realizing what Piper did to her, would not rat out Piper's whole criminal enterprise on the spot? Piper could be looking at racketeering charges out of this, for christ's sake, given how many people are involved on both sides of the fence.

And a hilarious hostage-taker in Justified. And an awful rapist in the first episode of Bates Motel.

I don't know that conventional is what I would describe it as, given that the actual convention these days is that evil is explicable through exactly that sort of 'tragic backstory.' We may never know the truth of what happened to Mischa, but the important thing is that Hannibal cannot simply be reduced to history

This would be the saddest RICO case ever.

Exactly. She has her every waking moment controlled by a corrupt, exploitative system, and she hesitates barely a moment before creating one of her own.