John H. Mallett

“So why did you leave your last job?”


Good luck with that, Benedict.

Now playing

Song of The South may be super racist and idolizes the brutally exploitative plantation system, but at least it’s not directly advocating Imperialism and Genocide like Davy Crockett, King of The Wild Frontier.

I get it. This is much like Al Capone finally getting convicted for tax evasion. After all the crimes he committed, where everyone knew he did it, they got him on the only thing they could prove and it was a sliver of his real guilt. But they got him.

They most certainly have that right.

I actually read that in my head in the 1966 show’s voice over. Thank you for that and nowI’m singing “nanananananana fishing in my head!”

Do the richies want guillotines and a Reign of Terror? Because this is how you get guillotines and a Reign of Terror.

I’d also like to once again gush about how good the Unstoppable Wasp relaunch is, especially issues 4 and 5 which deal with Nadia’s bipolar disorder.

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

My iphone has 36 GB free out of 128 and I still get the same message.

Uhh.... How is it not called "E-Camino"?!

*Plays Mortal Kombat Theme*

Voting: Meh.”

So they paid their lawyers something for nothing while paying their writers nothing for something. Sounds about right.

I would watch this YouTube tutorial.

Even in season 2 Yoren from the Night’s Watch talks shit about how slow crossbows are to reload. So I guess Qyburn must have tweaked with the crossbow and made a rapid fire attachment for it. :-P

Did Jon even say goodbye to Ghost, or did he just nod at him from across the yard and then leave him forever?