John H. Mallett

Incumbent presidents are almost never primaried. It would be a truly frightful nightmareverse where Sunkist Stalin manages to beat out a sitting president AND Hillary.

To his credit how many times have the Chitauri invaded since he took office?

Plus he probably got a pretty big boost right before the election by championing the passage of the the Sokovia Accords.

If Ellis ran and won against Obama in ‘12 it’s likely that he ran a second time in ‘16 against Hillary this time around, leaving Trump out of the picture.

The new Canon definitely needs more Wedge

Is no one speculating about that last minute mention of Iden Versio’s daughter?

They need to leave it up for Xmas and sync a light show to the songs from the Holiday Special

Nope, stuffing and dressing both imply properly that bread has been shoved up inside the bird. Dressing is called such because it’s meant for a “dressed” turkey, ie a whole bird that’s been plucked and processed. You need an entirely different name for something made in a pan, crouton casserole maybe.

So I’m not real strong on legalese, but isn’t taking money to ensure that someone who has committed a crime doesn’t get caught or punished for that crime aiding and abetting? Isn’t attempting to silence a victim a crime in and of itself?

The costs have been lowered after all that rooftop shouting so it doesn’t feel so bad anymore, but yeah their math was meant to only account for credits earned in gameplay, once all the bonuses from challenges have dried up.

This “mode” is the entire reason I bought the game, and The Xbox to play it on, and the live subscription, and geez I spent a lot on just this one thing but I’m really very happy with it.

How about a Mario game where you have to play 40 hours each (not counting downtime between levels) to unlock Mario & Luigi as playable characters? We’re not talking about getting a special outfit here we’re talking about the literal  most important characters in the entire franchise being locked away because they want

I’ll point out after the fact though that none of this is enough to make me hate the game. It’s been amazing so far and I literally bought an Xbox just to preorder the deluxe edition of this one game and feel it’s still money well spent.

Assuming the ages are legal and not grossly different, adult Jean and X-23 (I have no idea how old X-23 is yet in comics, or how old Jean is supposed to be given how much time she’s spent “dead”)

The loot crates are bad enough (and on top of which instead of getting crafting parts for duplicates as promised it’s been changed to a paltry amount of credits), but nobody seems to be talking about the serious PTW advantages of the expensive locked heroes. During a match there are about 4 available heroes you can

What happened to all those 5 milkshakes at once machines Michael Keaton was schlepping around? That’s how this whole damn thing got started.

Wait, didn’t he appear in costume busting Captain Boomerang in Suicide Squad? Are you telling me he’s been fighting crime this whole time without a name?

I want no part of any “stuffing” that didn’t get actually stuffed all up in the turkey

He’s the droid pope!

How long would it take for Aunt Beru to call for him?