Hmmm. You mentioned “common sense” and yet you admit to smoking for 20 years and now vape. JS.
Hmmm. You mentioned “common sense” and yet you admit to smoking for 20 years and now vape. JS.
Nicotine itself increases your risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. PSA
If you’re vaping, I wouldn’t say you’ve quit smoking . . .
This is purely anecdotal, but from what I can see, what makes vaping dangerous, as compared to even cigarettes, is it is like chain-smoking to the extremely. People vaping literally never feel like they need to stop. Even the hardest core chain-smokers couldn’t smoke constantly.
The issue is that he’s advertising his shoes without paying Ferrari for a license to the rights to use their trademark. This is what de-values the Ferrari brand. If advertisers that do pay Ferrari for the rights to use the Ferrari trademark see that Philip Plein used the Ferrari brand and did it for free, then they…
It’d be very interesting to see the actual numbers to this, as in how many new supercars go to “old money” relative to “new”. My guess would be on the “new money” buying more of them (or maybe they just use them more, hence being seen more often) while the “old money” has their vintage car collections and yachts and…
Ferrari HAD to do this. There real customer base is the +$200 million net worth crowd who buys up every new model without question. These customers act like “statesmen” in that they are members of elitist Country Clubs, elitist Yacht Clubs, and various other elitist places that limit the members to one type of…
More so because they are pissed off that he wasted their time and money. And I’m sure they aren’t fans of the image it gives of the city.
So yeah theres problems in Chicago, but that dosent give Jussie special privilege or make him above the law. The system of who you know and how well you blow needs to be stomped out what this loser did was egregious. Also there is absolutely no reason the Obama's needed to intervene, so on that alone I hope they make…
Excellent takedown. But don’t expect a legit response.
I will never stand in the way of someones hostile tone.
Forgive the hostile tone please. I’m a parent of a third-grader who has seen JUUL in his elementary school. It just angers me that these vapers REFUSE to even acknowledge this is a serious problem. And we all have to suffer due to this voluntary ignorance. I mean what’s the argument here? Are kids getting addicted to…
Why smoke marijuana? It’s not for everyone, but I personally find it relaxing. I indulge about once per week.
It’s been my experience with vapers that it’s nearly impossible to convince them that their habit isn’t hurting other people. They’ll vape constantly unless forced not to do so. I’ve worked with a couple in a big open shop that were constantly surrounded by a cloud of vape, and spent a considerable amount of their day…
Non-smokers are whackos now? Yikes.
What about non-tobacco items?
I’m guessing he was implying that he vapes Mary Jane.
Ban nicotine YESTERDAY and the ENTIRE problem will be solved.
Smoking =/= vaping
I vape (not tobacco) and drive a Subaru (or, well, it was made by Subaru, anyway). I bend my hats’ brims, though. Suck it.