Tupac's Cousin Mark

This is the correct take. Everyone has their own opinion of what’s fun. Some people require a manual, others don’t. Whining and complaining about either side is just pointless unless you’re able to dramatically shift the habits of global new car buyers.

So you require a manual transmission to have fun. That’s great, you do you. Not everyone feels that way. Is either way wrong? Of course not and saying that it’s not fun otherwise as a blanket statement is just silly. It just feeds everyone who says that people need to accept the manual is dead.

But for those of us that do genuinely love driving cars with manual transmissions, I think it’s time for all of these auto journos who like reminding us that we need to get used to the idea of the death of the manual or whatever to just leave us alone, already.

“What it will do to the little guy?” he said. “They’ll ruin his life.”

Yeah the G80 looks like a try hard A7

My oven is still going strong after 10 years and my parents’ oven is over 15 years old.

I bought a self cleaning oven in the first place so I wouldn’t have to deal with trying to clean it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just buy a self cleaning oven..

I’d argue that a lot of the things they listed aren’t exclusive to “white America” but rather modern industrialized societies. I think also the notion of “whiteness” in this context is exclusive to North America. If you go to Europe and talk about a shared white culture you’ll get a very different reaction. French and

Has anyone asked Simone what she thinks?

Dude has a mouth full of land o’ lakes sticks.

The gear selector looks interesting. It seems to fold down into a recess in the center console. I guess Ford did that to provide a large, flat workspace?

Reminds me of the guy who, in 2012, tried to roast Tom Anderson when Tom said some new Instagram terms were nothing to worry about.

Fuck the haters, this looks good. Anytime any car markers changes anything the internet freaks out. When they don’t change anything the internet is mad that they’re stagnant.

The “Make Infiniti Great Again” bit from the COO at the end of the press release is incredibly tone deaf. Like what was he thinking?

It’s like the Hyundai board of directors looked at the Audi A7 and Mercedes CLS and told its designers “We want that but you have 1/4 the budget”.

If you have experience with previous AMG cars and are comfortable working on cars this is a nice car BUT, not for that price.

Not surprising at all. Audi cancelled theirs back in 2018 and MB has been debating about cancelling theirs. I suspect MB will probably follow suit later this year or next.

“Dr. Nancy believes that by sharing what worked for her, Cristina’s heart is in the right place.” No, it doesn’t. Excuse me for being cynical but I’d be interested to know what financial interests she has in any of her recommended “solutions”.

Really? Everyone under 30 I know of thinks of the Escalade and a car their grandparents drove.