And Still Yet Another Other John Drake Burner Account

Unless you like looking at fellow tourists looking at you looking at fellow tourists, also avoid Times Square.

Thanks for this.

I love mayo (my usual sandwich order is extra, extra, extra mayo, with more mayo), but I’m not here to proselytize: I feel the same goddamn way about hoppy beer —the shit’s ubiquitous.

I think the last one closed just last year (dammit!) but Austin used to have a chain of cheesesteak places that gave you a number of sauce choices and one of them was “mustard blend”, which to the best of my knowledge, was a combination of mayo and spicy brown mustard.

Thanks for the helpful post.

What effort? The SSDs often come with disc cloning software (or point to a download) and some may even come with the usb harddrive adaptor (if not, they’re not expensive and well worth having around anyway, for accessing old drives).

I’m dating myself (yeah, yeah, cuz at my age, who else would), but anyone old enough to remember the 80s and 90s can tell you that GM’s strategy was to save money on design, innovation, and reliability, and spend a portion of the savings to bribe buyers into purchasing crappy cars.

A Corvette from the front, some Lambo from the side, and a Crossfire from the back?  No thanks.

Bottom line: if he decides to run, does he take pac or other money that would reasonably be considered to come with expectations? (Looking at you, Sen. Doug Jones.)

You missed my point: yes copying it onto a thumbdrive is a useful thing to do for various reasons, including the one you cited, but it costs money to run and if people don’t kick in to support it, it won’t continue to be there.

You completely missed the point:  the chronic injuries are a real world effect.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that the fans are bad people, but the ones in this thread seem willfully clueless by missing the article’s point that, while no one died, they all suffered permanent damage, and immature, by refusing to see the connection between watching the show and the injuries the cast sustained.

lol. I honestly can’t remember whether they made it official before we broke up 3 months later or not, but I enjoyed what she was serving and had no complaints.

If you’ll accept an outrageous impromptu session, rather than a one-night-stand, here’s my submission.

Life comes at you fast.  Especially if it falls off the back of Prius modded with wire and duct tape.

I’m now wondering which spectrum, which borderline, which side of it, and by whose assessment?

This is criminal.

I don’t know if it’s the same product, but years ago Lysol sold a laundry sanitizer that came in a little (~8 oz?) brown bottle and you used it by the capfull.

I don’t know if it’s the same product, but years ago Lysol sold a laundry sanitizer that came in a little (~8 oz?) br

Two thoughts come to mind:

I don’t use my pc’s for gaming (though that might change with a good WWII VR-ready flight sim), but I’ve been wondering whether high-powered gaming machines are any faster at context switching:  is jumping between windows any faster with a good GPU and/or a big, fast video buffer?

I don’t use my pc’s for gaming (though that might change with a good WWII VR-ready flight sim), but I’ve been