
What sort of shitty Bosche software package doesn’t recognize the car is being crash tested when it’s on a sled moving sideways at 50km/h!?

I still remember the days when rear bumpers on pickups were a cost plus option?

I’m pretty sure Tommy Callahan did the best explanation of cheap vs expensive brake pads ever

Hey I heard that too. Many people are saying it, the best people. Pigfucking will trend now I’m sure. Pigfeller is set up to be the premier connoisseur of porcine intercourse. He’ll be the Epstein, the Trump, The Weinstein of barnyard pig sex. 

Jim Spanfeller is a pig fucker

You’re way out of line. Pigfucker implies the pigs consented, he is quite obviously a pig raper. In addition to being fired from his job he should obviously be investigated for his many pig related sex crimes.

I agree, he’s definitely a pigfucker who’s taking a successful business and media outlet and flushing it directly down the shitter.

I also saw that Deadspin no longer has comments.

Hi, fuck your executives for murdering deadspin.

I am really pulling for you all. It’s clear your bosses are shit for brains. And I’m so glad you’re organized. Solidarity!

Drew, if Deadspin dies, who gets custody of Sill Bimmons?

If I was as bad at my job as Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment are at running previously successful media outlets, I’d be swiftly fired and might even face criminal charges. Maybe I should think about becoming a rich, unctuous failson, as they seem to be able to avoid consequences for all their bumbling cons.

I’m genuinely surprised to see this today. Last night I explained the whole story to my wife - Theil to yesterday - and figured that the site was done. It wasn’t a KSK-style fuck off, but yesterday really felt like the end. It felt strange to say out loud how much this site has meant to me (I started reading just

Fucking dope...until William Painter swoops in for the carrion of readership.

Well said, Will. 

Fantastic graphic. The art department is one of the best in the biz.

Wait, this may get lost in the chaos but the header image up there is absolutely fantastic. 

Just wanted to say it fucking blows that Barry got fired yesterday. There are relatively few constants left in life, but Barry writing the first article of the day for Deadspin was one of them. I’ve been coming to Deadspin regularly for about 10 years now. I love this place. So many laughs, so many great reads. The

They’ve seen everything. Guess they were sick of hearing it too.