
Jackman should get credit for Swordfish. He looks like Lawrence Oliver compared to the rest of the cast.

2 possibilities: Saves on wasted motion on a single object being tracked, imagine an owl perched on a branch tracking an object at -270 deg. rotating seamlessly through +270 deg.

Ms. Judd has not been faithful to #BBN, she rooted for UNC in return for votes for Obama in 2008.

They're claiming disc's all around

Someone didn't see the xkcd what-if last week

Exactly, we sent the beast back up yesterday. I'm guessing with a Geiger counter and some high-resolution cameras in the payload bay. Willing to bet there is a SM-3 surprise waiting for this piece of space trash if we're not just going to grab it and bring it home for analysis.

Agreed, SOSUS would freak out with a strange underwater contact that large within helo range of the LA Metro. If the Swiss could do it, the Iranian (or Chinese) diesel subs with a cargo of cruise missles could do it. A Jolly Roger flagged Supertanker (M/V Jihad) would not be as closely examined.

When boosters dating back to his tenure at Louisville own/run/make decisions at the banks listed and other boosters are tied up in the land/development deals it can spiral out of control in a hurry. He was making 375K+ in base pay at Louisville at the time he got tied up with these people and the team was doing

Yep, uncle sam is even testing JP-8/biodiesel mixes as a "green" fuel.

Corn Flakes is the TV show in that other Verhoeven classic RoboCop with the strippers and the bald guy screaming "I'd buy that for a dollar"