
“Not Rachel Dolezal, though. She gets to decide what she is.” Well...not exactly that truth. Apparently you can choose the sex you identify with but heaven forbid you choose to be part of the black race without permission. Bruce Jenner gets to choose his sex and is praised but Rachel is just out of luck or looked down

I hope you know your screen name is inspired by a Bible verse (Ecclesiastes 3). Sounds like you may want to change that, but I like it.

Makes them sound...human almost. Weird.

So this guy is a dirtbag for cheating on his wife and Billy Graham is a dirtbag for living his life in such a way so he would not cheat on his wife?

Actually here is a Bible story in the New Testament that would apply to this situation. “The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone

You are a terrible person. Sincerely, Transmission.

Good thing I am not a member of the tea party and don’t watch Fox News....go watch anything by Jeremy Scahill.

He should call out Obama’s lies next. And it should be the basis for an entire article. Oh wait....that will never happen.

Had GTO and a Camaro. You are 100% correct sir.

Better than a 4.6 in every way except for sound.

Right? I thought the Miata was a Powerwheel at first and was confused.

Wishful thinking. Why spy on them if they are such nice little angels? Everyone does spy on everyone but not everyone cuts a check to those who spy on them which is what I am getting at. Israel is a not an enemy but they should stand on their own two feet. The election results and their stance on certain things would

So because we caught them once they certainly haven’t ever tried it after that? And I am sure Israel asks permission before spying on us as well.

What are you doing? Facts and hard numbers have no place in internet debates.

Because pushrods. People hate but they should appreciate.

Correct. The LS6 in the Corvette is much closer to being a “truck” engine. Many shared and interchangeable parts. This it is why it is cheap and reliable.

The drop in the bucket statement doesn’t hold water. Look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, and Lybia. All those engagements are costing us tons both in money and political capital. Who knows what future conflicts we will get dragged into. Right, you can only win if you support corporations, war, or welfare.

I would rather have the money that I worked for rather than give it to a corporation (that gets all sorts of tax breaks and govt contracts), Israel, or our government. It is the American way. Thanks.

More like she takes .25 cents and buys a stick to constantly poke a family of bears and I get mauled. Yeah I am not ok with that. I support the nation of Israel, and they should be able to support themselves now. Same goes for every other nation in the world. Uncle Sam should cut the worlds allowance.