
So people are afraid of law abiding citizens carrying guns and not harming anyone? This is a non story.

Yeah you can get a Focus ST for 23k out the door.

Tragic situation for sure. Not sure any foul play involved here but I can see why people think that. Tony should take away from this that he should be slow to anger in the future. The only reason people suspect foul play is because of his past outbursts. "A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man

I am American as well, I was just generalizing in a rant. At least there are two of us haha.

He saw the culture as something worthwhile to engage in, not something to be ignored.

Or they could give rebates on any new 4 cyl vehicle that gets over 32 mpg highway so lower income people could actually afford them and help clean up the pollution that way. 10 electric cars vs 100 new ICE cars ;volume wins. This is all a way for people who don't need help to get it. Cash for clunkers anyone?

First you have to try and find Americans that don't think their way is the only way and care about other cultures or see them as significant and then you stop because they don't exist.

$26,000 wasn't a typo? Never.

Such as? Any examples? Keeping in mind all citizens are being monitored.

I apologize on behalf of all Americans for our terrible foreign policy that has ruined countless countries. Our leaders have no idea what they are doing. While I understand your concern, our govt currently monitors almost all communications from every citizen, so there is no discrimination, just higher levels of

You are obviously a racist because you looked at the facts and came to a logical conclusion.

Remember that time I looked at the picture for this article and thought, "Hey, that is a weird looking Mustang....(squints) oh wait"?

Anyone else notice that SLOW was written on the pavement haha? Can't imagine why.

Good question. His post just proved my point in a way. I was not arguing about correct sentencing but crime rates. Sentencing is unfair in many cases for non violent drug related offenses. That being said the original issue was the crime rate among African American males and nobody has come up with any evidence to the

Yes the lack of fathers is precisely why the school systems are underfunded. The school systems get their funding from taxpayers. If you don't have enough taxpayers you don't have enough money to run the schools. A single parent home generally means govt assistance is involved; thus fewer taxpayers. Most medium

I believe this is called the Taiwan Taxi.

Some people may generalize and are racist but with statistics like the fact that 1 in 3 African American males will spend time in prison… you can't say that someone being suspicious of another person purely based upon their race are incorrect based on these statistics. Someone just

Anyone else impressed by his balance? At one point he was even holding on with one hand.

I am surprised all theses cars haven't been crushed, processed, and turned into a new Prius. The EPA will be coming for them all eventually. Sad day.

Yep, it is called blowback. In other words, it is the most expensive tail chasing in the history of the world. We have a culture of war and are obsessed with being in control of everything so much so that we ruin most things when it comes to foreign policy. We overthrown leaders only to turn our backs on them and