
Look up the name Julian Woods. Also you will find various YouTube videos of myself and my family talking about him and his family. Or you can go scour Facebook or any number of outlets and see that you're wrong. But officious shit talkers like you never admit when you're wrong, you just refuse to research facts so you

I AM proud, because society needs vets to tell the stories of the horrors that occur in war, otherwise it would all be speculation. Don't all due respect me. I signed up and took an oath to defend the constitution, not conduct systematic slaughter. While you talk shit to vets, you have no clue that they're the biggest

You're just looking for a reason to be a dick. I've said numerous times publicly and loudly that it was for those reasons that I became vehemently against the military's actions around the world. Rather than read anything I've written besides "I was in the service", you'd rather just pretend like you've never made

I agree. I don't think that other nations act any better. However, we are allowed to violate their borders all the time with no political repercussions, while we're railing against that very thing. If Syria regularly flew drones over here you can bet that wouldn't last very long.

What are the couple of bad things that don't affect me?

Let me focus on something real quick, because I'd like to know why when elected officials sanction the killing of women and children, it's business. When private citizens act like politicians, they go to prison for life. Carolla has a point only insofar as the country in question is a pure representative democracy,

I like Kotaku. It covers the industry I work in with more thought provoking pieces than places like IGN do As far as people disagreeing, it's fine. One or two lines of "fuck der fuck America" does not an argument make. The majority of those who are slobbering over the upkeep of borders haven't made any real arguments.

Then why does our government perpetually violate the borders of other countries? What way of life do we all agree is correct in such a populated area? It's become more and more violently nationalist than it is a country that represents peace and freedom. America has turned into a place where paranoia reigns supreme

Right, our demonstrably murderous, violent government that operates using exclusion to pen laws keeps out foreigners because trade. Pessimistic? Day after day we violate the borders of other countries with drones and missiles, implying ours is the only border worth preserving. I'm sure you mean realistic.

"Like, can I just declare myself British or Canadian and demand some free healthcare and welfare from them too?"

Obama is not a proponent of wide open borders, by the way. Research: It does an argument good.


About a dozen people are against what I said and about thirty seem to have recommended it. This has been fun, although I'm sure it'd be far less so for you in real life, you know, the real life from which I actually obtain my views. You, like many other people, claim that I'm wrong using nothing more than personal

Sure it was. I directly responded to his statement about the notion of countries. Then I proceeded to tell him he was making baseless inferences about my political background. This is fun.

I'm a white mutt. Italian great grandparents on one side, Irish one the other. I like red wine AND whiskey.

Wetback? Seriously? You should know better as a Marine.

Mine too. Granted, when I joined the Navy, I did not want to be a grunt. But when I was there with my brothers, I was glad it was me and not someone else. You know that I was with the Marines, right? I was a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman. I never said I was better than anyone? And I'm sure the shit my friends and I saw

Your response is only funny because of how off base you are. It's not due to it being anything resembling clever. My views are based on my experience living in seven different countries, not from whatever limited perspective you're arguing from. Or are you even making an argument? You just use the phrase "historical

How has the current system of line drawing worked out thus far? Borders and countries create false identities and vitriol. The more cordoned off a piece of land is, the less free the entire population is, that is if the cordoning is done by a group of officials who have no stake in the lives of its people. I don't

Ethnicity comes with rules? Wait, are you making the argument for or against xenophobia? Because you just made my point with the statement, "In the end everybody suffers because the culture and rules of one ethnicity will get imposed to everybody."