johnathan blaze

It is, tho

Yeah, cuz it's funny, snowflake.

lolol it's funny as fuck and only makes me love him more!

this dude nails it, chainsmokers is the most derivative garbage around. usually kids figure out the chainsmokers suck once they enter high school

You are the ones crying wolf, calling Milo/Gavin "nazis" etc. Eventually people realize they are not Nazi's, and that you people are completely wrong on everything. And then they vote Trump :)

LOL give me a fucking break. Having sex with a super drunk chick doesn't make you a rapist. YOU are the one twisting things. And absolutely not Proud Boys are not Nazi.

Nope, lies. Link or stfu.

Aww whiny wittle baby not gonna watch tv show. LMAO

No, Roosh wrote an article which was a thought-exercise about IF rape was legal. Which the SJW hordes tried to twist into "OMG HES PRO-RAPE"


Milo actually agrees w/ 1st wave feminism. It's this 3rd wave "wage gap, rape culture" bullshit that he rightfully shits all over.

Yup, fuckin LOVE IT. The left only wants conservatives to be stodgy uncool old white men. But when our conservatives are young, funny, and *gasp* gay, the left completely loses it. They can't stand that we are winning the war of ideas and all they have is Lena Dunham's fat tattooed ass as their spokesperson. And

Conservatism is the new counter-culture. Liberals are the new uptight pearl-clutchers. And I'm just sitting here LOLing brother, just LOLing.

Yup, Trump is just gonna keep winning. Wait until Milo's book drops. It's going to spark a conservative revolution amongst young people.

Milo owns souls.

LoL is this the new tactic for leftist losers? "CITATION NEEDED" bwahahaha

No he's not. Dumb shit like this is why Trump won.

Dude, most people on the left would probably agree that they started using doxxing first as an offensive-strategy. This position is not really controversial or worth arguing about.

Damn right, he was a proud Trump supporter standing up for himself against leftist idiots. Violence is deplorable, but violence in self-defense is a necessity.