
I won't be home in time to DVR! Damn Pacific Standard Time! If you can make a streaming clip available later, that would be mucho appreciado.

I may have voted XMBC if my XBOX DIDNT BREAK! Or CHDK if it supported by SD880.

none of the above. i read about them all the time on LH.

Seems like another slow day at LH... *le sigh*

@Chimaera: K, thanks. Could I run Windows 7 on an XP machine, or does it have to run off Vista since it's built from the Vista kernel?

According to Giz, it will only "be distributed to attendees at the series of MSDN Developers Conferences". What good does that do me or any of us other Joe Plumbers?

I downloaded Digsby based on this article and previous articles. It works like a charm but promotional downloads during the install are freakin' brutal and immensely annoying.

@ElBeh: I just downloaded Songbird... Amazingly good. Amazingly obvious rip-off of iTunes interface, but without the bloat.

@Phoshi: Yeah, but why? I don't play PC games. and I want to get into media editing. Plus I'm a sucker for anything with a touch screen (Hello, multitouch trackpad!)

I'm ready to jump ship to Macs. I don't think there's anything Windows can do to stop me. Even on my XP lappy I use RocketDock and Google Desktop gadgets just to mimic what I want in a Mac.

Great, just as long as it works for my desktop wallpaper searches for Scarlett Johansson and/or Megan Fox.

A 7 second difference doesn't seem very drastic. I don't wanna say I'm unimpressed, just indifferent about it all

The headline says "Six" but the last sentence says "seven". Sorry to nit-pick.

Seems cool but I'll stick with Pandora in the wild. And Remote when I'm at home. And Simplify when I'm not at home.

VOTE: Frostwire

VOTE: nCleaner

VOTE: Winamp