
“Hello Curt Schilling, this is the director of the Hall of Fame, and ahhh, yup. You got in. Congrats buddy. Now we’re going to need to get you to a promotional event. It’s going to be at 5037 Connecticut Avenue, Washi...Oh, you know the address. Cool, also remember to eat my ass Baba Booey, Baba Booey”

Not a fan of Elias? I think he is pretty great (after being terrible in NXT).

RAW 25 highlights, ranked

You know, I don’t have any kids but I don’t have any problem being completely outraged and horrified over a decades long sexual abuse case.


Yup. Criminal charges. If it was my kid, I would own all the families of the criminals and the high school itself. . I would renovate the high school building into a giant house and live in it. I would burn my other newly acquired houses to the ground.

“This is a huge setback for ALL of these young men.”

 This is a huge setback for ALL of these young men.

Spoken like someone who truly has no idea what it’s like to be a parent

Do you even have kids? Because it doesn’t sound like it, at all.

While it is generally admirable to let kids discover and accomplish things on their own, it might be a bit much to ask of a five year old to hit the bloody coin cap in a videogame, especially one where you lose coins on dying.

it was a funny story, why do you have to be such a debby downer?

Yes, no five year old ever demanded anything until this generation of toddlers and all parents pre-2000 were amazing and every minute they spent with their children was quality time.

I just want them to give me the ability to set up playlists. If I want to watch say the Attitude Era in order it’s a cumbersome pain in the ass the way it is right now because you have to dig through the archives and remember which show you left off on each time. Custom playlists seem like they should be such a

Vince McMahon doesn’t understand why something works, THE HELL YOU SAY!

This probably won’t really hurt CSE in any way, seeing that all of Wood’s clients were all washed up.

“You’re tall, what position do you play?”

Omega’s also a pretty good Street Fighter player. “One Winged Angel” is also a Final Fantasy reference.

What is this?

I was watching Nitro one time years ago with closed captioning on and it translated “Jerichoholic” as “Jerk Alcoholic.” Welp, that’s my Jericho story.