
Yes! Why couldn't the whole movie have been Gal Gadot acclimating to life off the island?

Barron's memoirs will be quite the read.

Grease: You're The One that I Want! Can't hate on it too much, since it gave the world Broadway megastar Laura Osnes.

Especially a tv commitment that films far, far away from NYC.

One of my issues with the film in a nutshell! There weren't really bad guys in WWI. The movie would have been better off without the always-evil proto-Nazi and the chemist.

And in the book, Marianne is 16 or so (but played by Kate Winslet, more like 22?)

I agree! It would have been a better movie without the romantic hijinks.

She is terrible in that movie.

I have such a soft spot for While You Were Sleeping. It's a movie about loneliness, which is surprisingly rare (especially for a romcom). And once I realized that a lot of time could have passed before the last proposal (at first I thought it happened almost immediately), I was much more accepting of the marriage at

That's such a weird movie. What other rom-com has its most interesting scenes focusing on real estate disputes in NYC?

And in the book, he's her brother in law.

I was going to say, Marianne goes even older than Emma (with someone she knows much less well).

Seriously Christie, if you are going to enjoy an empty public beach with your family, DON'T HAVE PHOTOS TAKEN!!!

Which American broadcaster could fill Richard Osman's (extraordinarily large) shoes?

To be fair, I don't think anyone loved LoveMusik. (At least it let the world know how bad Brecht's hygiene was?)

I try to forget about LoveMusik whenever possible. WHY do people think that a composer's work—songs written in context for plot-driven shows—can tell the story of that person's life? It was painful, and Michael Cerveris, Donna Murphy, and David Pittu deserved better.

Sadly, we have come close to eliminating polio but have yet to succeed. There's an outbreak as I type this going on in Syria, because they don't have a way to access and distribute vaccines.…

"Scientifically beyond-shaky links" needs to be edited to say "Proven non-existent links." There is no connection between vaccines and autism, much as Andrew Wakefield wants us to believe otherwise.

I just wish Corden had said something like, "Don't want to support HIV/AIDS initiatives today? You will take us back to 1993" or somesuch. Or at least indicated that the situation has changed, even as the movie remains powerful.