son of a Sven

He did have multiple personalities, maybe it carried over to the car? :)

Does it come with a young Elisabeth Shue ? Asking for a friend.

Yey, this is really something that I’ve been hoping for (as a Kotaku reader and racing geek). Spending large sums on money on simulator hardware is kind of pointless if all you do is pressing the throttle and turning a wheel. I’d argue that 99% of the technical challenge in racing comes down to synchronizing your gear

why is there a ferrari badge on this c7?

I know I’m being harsh on you here, but you’ve got to see where you’re going wrong. A marriage is a partnership (ideally) and I am not sure why you are talking about it in terms of “she will LET me do something”. It sounds (again, SOUNDS, so don’t take it the wrong way) like you’re a good blue-collar dude who married

My wife steals my FiST all the time with excuses like “its more efficient than my car”, but then it comes back with less average MPG than it started with. And she loves the recaros.

Not really sure where I’m going with this, except I hope your wife makes excellent sandwiches or something.

The Recaro seats eventually break in and become fantastic. Tell her to ride in it more often and see how she feels after 4 months or so. I notice this whenever I sit in the passenger seat of my ST to periodically clean the interior: the passenger seat is extremely tight-fitting to someone of my thighs and hips, while

That is truly unfortunate. My wife owns a Focus ST, and she’s even got a license plate that reads “SLOWPOKE”. She’s OK with me getting a Focus RS, even if that means we have 2 hot hatch Focus’s (Focii?) in the house.

Seriously, your wife is that caught up in herself where she thinks people are judging her because you drive a lowly Focus? Yep, you’ll fit right in with the Porsche crowd.

That target on Subaru’s back just had an arrow go straight through the center.

i too am a fan of VAG i think most guys are

A ‘15 CR-V... So... Yes.

You drive a 2010 Nissan Rogue, right?

I was also fond of the Demon.

We should call up Mr. Ed in the Mustang department and ask him to trot on over the trucks division, and whine(y) till he gets results!

Me too. Ford needs to quit horsing around and bring this out!

The final request came from my girlfriend two weeks before either of us knew I’d be getting the Slingshot: “I want to learn to drive a stick.”

People tow 10k lbs with 5000 lbs F150s.

airbag be like "I got you, I got you."