
Same. I don’t hold out a lot of hope that the impeachment process is going to remove President Thumbs from the Oval Office, but I think going through the process is required.

More like 1 dimensional Candyland.

God, I wish I could fully enjoy this. I wish I could revel in this utter stupidity and incompetence and absurdity. I wish I could just bathe in the schadenfreude without that pessimistic voice in the back of my head staring out the window distractedly and softly whispering, “none of this matters, you know.”

It’s frankly amazing how fucking stupid these people are.  I surprised they don’t accidentally lock themselves in their cars or closets.

Anyone still wanna go with the “their playing 4-dimensional chess” angle?

Yep. And after that, the White House releases a redacted version of the whistleblower complaint, which aligns somewhat with the single phone call transcript (which is in itself likely edited/altered, and is only one in a series of calls).


Exactly. He has the same mindset as the internet trolls who installed him in office— he honestly thinks “I didn’t say the exact words! Therefore, TOTALLY EXONERATED! Nanny nanny poo poo!” will stand up in court, because it works for him and his fans online. He thinks the “technicality” trick will work, he thinks the

It’s part and parcel of Trump’s standard strategy.

I love that a guy who screams “fake news!” at the drop of a hat is going to be undone by literally believing “fake news.”

It could get some Republicans on board too, truly the last bipartisan issue 

Thank you, Mr. President!

I was here to comment this, delighted to see that’s the first comment. Don’t call your fucking dad Mr. President, that’s all kinds of creepy and gross ^^

This is icky af ^^

Shades of Marilyn/JFK. Full ick.

Trumpis the GOP and the GOP is trump. The GOP has gotten away with everything for 40 years. The GOP is the party of old, rich, white guys. Of which Trump is one. Trump is the apotheosis of movement conservatism.  

The GOP is loving the precedent that Trump is setting. They’re all licking their lips waiting for their turn to be president. All it takes is for them to win the election fair and square by any means and it’s a free pass to do whatever the hell they want. They’ll tolerate Trump if it means they’ll have a chance to do

There you go. If Trump had ever even once faced a consequence for his actions, we’d all be a lot better off. But here we are. He gets told, “you’re violating laws” and he says “do something about it” and nothing happens.

I did that bad thing, so what?” has been the mantra this shitstain has lived his entire life by and not one single fucking person in a position of power ever stood up to him and said “It’s illegal, that’s what” and held him accountable.

He’s a fucking traitor and the republicans that support him are fucking traitors.

I love how he does the Jack Nicholson part even though nobody is doing the Tom Cruise part.