Artie Fufkin

One Of The People Who Signed This Contract Is Asleep At The Wheel... And It's Not Who You Think It Is

Did every kicker in the league get the flu for two weeks in 2009? Even the 1974 goal post switch didn't cause a dip at every range (granted, that might be due to sample size from 40+ yards).

And in order to allow teams to still call fake kick attempts on PAT's. They will be allowed to line up on the 13 yard line when they plan on faking the kick.

And the surgeon is facing charges for touching a Minor's dick ...

Every NBA player who played from 2000-01 on receives some post-career benefits

The longer this show runs, the more I realize that Seinfeld is in a sense showing his guests how to have fun....most seem to be stressed/busy or caught up in their lives, and they all approach the cars like they are some sort of jack-in-the-box that might spring up and scare the crap out of them...most of the time

I live in Roswell right by Chipper Jones (in the normal people neighborhood close by). It was a pretty big deal. We had to evacuate our house with our 3 little kids.

Do you SEE??? This is exactly what people from Alabama said would happen. Black guys coming in and taking away all the white women. It's a damn shame.

That's the first good kick by Bama in a while

Now playing

My personal favorite: Spinal Tap "Christmas with the Devil"

Now playing

What, no love for "Must Be Santa" (the Dylan version). The music video features a teleporting Dylan and a fight.

Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses is the best Christmas song. Awkward 80's white girl holiday-themed rap? Yes, Please!

a supremely talented athlete who doesn't fit nicely into any kind of mold

Please, Please! Me!

My concern is that everyone down here in the comments is complete fucking moron.

I hope your entire head falls off.