Artie Fufkin

Do you think we'll all be wearing Google Glass or some equivalent in 20 years?

But seriously, Fuck Barrett and his voice immodulation.

Thanks to Shutdown Fullback I've seen Spencer and Jason without their shirts on more than any other sportswriters. So my question is: Will there be another season of Shutdown Fullback?

How do schools and boosters get away with paying players when everyone is sharing everything?

He's fallen so far since he ate hot dogs for a living.

It seems he's a lot like Cam Newton - questionable background, weird dad, lots of transfers, excitable celebrations - except Henderson hasn't won shit.

Smith will win this, then lose in the next round.

He's not exactly walking on eggshells here.

I know that feel.

Heads or tails?

I was wondering why so many predictions fail, but some don't?

Why are you doing this?

Where do you see baseball in 50 years?

In my theory, where the states spell out Poo, Romney gets 394 votes.

Should have stayed in school, Rudi.

I can't believe he kept it that short.

What's the deal with Rick Rubin?

Tom Hart is awesome and has never threatened to beat me up on air.

First time, long time. Do you think Paul Finebaum is entertaining? I'll hang up and listen.

Dusty Dick Rider? I thought Anna Nicole Smith was dead.